Select the scholarship you would like to apply for
2024 Selective Outcome & Scholarship Application

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement !

We look forward to your active participation in both the outcome survey and the scholarship application steps.

    Student Details

    Student Number*

    Student Name*

    Parent's Email*

    Phone Number*

    Outcome Details

    Attachment * (See Sample images below)

    Please attach both the outcome screenshot and performance report for verification of scholarship eligibility. Refer to the example images below.

    Outcome Report

    Performance Report
    Log in to the application dashboard.
    Take a screenshot showing your name, school choices, and their outcomes.
    Download your performance report.
    Go to our survey website and upload your screenshot and report there.

    Attachment 1 - Outcome Screenshot*

    Attachment 2 - Performace Report*


    Share your experience with Pre-Uni New College regarding your test preparation.*

    Conditions of the 2024 Selective Scholarship

    1. To be eligible for the selective scholarship offer, students must attain the minimum calculated band score* set by the college based on their test performance bands achieved in the 2024 selective high school placement tests.
    2. The selective scholarship discount is valid from the approval date until Term 4 in 2026.
    3. The scholarship discount applies to the full-term payment made by the early bird payment due date for regular term or holiday standard courses at Pre-Uni New College.
    4. The scholarship discount covers tuition fees only and does not apply to material (textbook) fees.
    5. The scholarship cannot be combined with any other discount offer, including early bird, full-term, sibling discounts, or any other scholarship discount offer.
    6. Pre-Uni New College may use students' selective school outcomes, their comment or feedback anonymously and disclose relevant statistics for educational and promotional purposes.
    7. Throughout the scholarship offer period, students are expected to demonstrate reasonable effort and commitment. Any behavioural issues or significant decline in performance may lead to the cancellation of the scholarship.
    8. The conditions of this scholarship offer are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

    Please check if you agree to the above conditions.

    By signing below, I agree to the Conditions of the 2024 Selective Scholarship offer as stated above.