WEMT stands for Writing, English, Mathematics and Thinking Skills lessons which are the key learning areas for Pre-Uni New College primary students. English lessons cover reading comprehension in all forms, Essay writing, vocabulary and spelling exercises are also given on a weekly basis. Mathematical lessons cover all areas. Thinking skills are to improve through weekly Mathematical Reasoning & Critical Thinking challenges
Yes. Each and every intending student needs to sit for an assessment test in Mathematics, English and General Abilities without exception. Assessment tests are marked by the state-of-the-art computerised marking system to provide a detailed test report for each student. Assessment test results will indicate an appropriate level of your child. After the test, an interview session with Student Advisor will be arranged for you and your child and you will be able to discuss any educational matters with Student Advisor including enrolment procedures.
The Trial Test Course teaches the exam skills which are essential to their successful performance in the Selective High School tests or OC Placement tests. Students will do exams with specimen papers, which include questions from past papers and also anticipated questions for that year’s tests. After the completion of the tests students have opportunities to review difficult questions and incorrect answers with the tutors. Tests are given under strict exam conditions and students experience the “real thing” well in advance. When the actual exam comes up, students are less worried and more confident because they know what to expect.
Every term, class tests will be held to help teachers write progress reports more accurately. Student advisor will also use those test results to grade students and inform to parents. Parents will receive detailed test results and individual reports at the end of the term.
Pre-Uni New College teachers are selected on the basis of their teaching qualifications and experiences at government schools or independent schools to make sure they communicate well with the students and have the knowledge, experience and skills to guide students to success.
Each week students receive homework which needs to be completed by the following class session. Completion of homework tasks is essential and parental support is expected.
We provide many homework help service including free homework help class, telephone help line, email help line and cyber school service. There is no extra cost for these benefits for those students currently attending the WEMT/G course at Pre-Uni New College.
Our classes are named by date and time. In particular, MC refers to the ‘morning class’ and AC refers to the ‘afternoon class’.
Online Learning
Cyber School (www.cyberschool.com.au) is an Internet-based learning service focused on Pre-Uni New College primary WEMG students. Students can use this service to get extra help with their WEMG homework and revise their previous class works. The lessons are presented by qualified and professional teachers, who have collaborated to plan exciting activity-based lessons that your child will enjoy. Accessing the Cyber School website is absolutely free of charge to those students currently attending the WEMG course at Pre-Uni New College.
S.O.Q (Special Online Quiz) is a series of revision questions designed to encourage our students (Years K-6 enrolled in EM/EMG/WEMG/WEMT/6+ course) to revise the key concepts in the previous modules. Four (4) online quizzes are available on Cyberschool in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the course.
As teachers have control over their live online classes, they will have their camera on and are indeed visible to the students during the online class. Furthermore, teachers will also have the share-screen function, where students can view material shared by the teacher during their classes.
Due to limited capacity in each class, students are required to attend their scheduled session.
Teachers employ a number of ways to engage students and ensure concentration during online video classes. For example, many of our video classes include active learning activities where students are asked to attempt questions during the lesson. However, it is important to note that the cyberschool video lesson is for self-paced learning. Therefore parental support and guidance is necessary.
We offer remote or online options according to our students needs. Our standard WEMT courses are hosted live and online via Zoom or our Cyber WEMT Course via our Cyberschool.
During the week, students are expected to complete all the module questions. If they require further review of the module, they can access the Cyberschool video lesson to revise module concepts or questions.