Private School

What is private school scholarship ?

Private and Independent Schools Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships entitle students to a full or partial remission of tuition fees. Competition for these scholarships is extremely high as there are only 40 or so boys and girls schools in Sydney offering only a few scholarships each. The main points of entry are Year 7 and 11, with some schools offering scholarships at Year 9 level also. Academic merit is the most important selection criteria. However, private schools place as much emphasis on co-curricular activities, which means scholarships are offered to students who are high achievers not only in academics but also in other activities such as music and sports. Students offered a scholarship are expected to maintain their level of high academic achievement throughout high school.

How do I apply for scholarship ?

Firstly, find out a little about the schools which you would like your child to attend. Scholarship application forms are usually available at the beginning of the year, but a few schools hold the scholarship test in Year 5 for Year 7 entry so it is advisable to ring the school well in advance to find out exactly when the test will be held. Once you have selected the schools to which you would like to apply, ring the schools directly. The school will take down your details and send you a Scholarship Application Form and usually a school prospectus as well. Make sure the form is filled out and sent to the school with appropriate payment before the closing date. The school will then contact you regarding details such as exam venue etc.

What is involved in the test ?

The testing takes approximately 3 hours. Students are given multiple choice Mathematics, English and Aptitude tests. There is also a creative/essay writing component in the test. Test format may vary slightly from school to school. Many schools participate in the ACER cooperative exam. This exam is set by ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) and is taken by participating schools at the same time on the same date.

What happens after the test ?

After having sat for the test, all applicants are sent a response whether successful or not. Some schools will select students based on information provided on the application form and the results of the test. Other schools will shortlist students and then select successful students following an interview with the student and his/her parents.

Should I apply even if my child does not do very well at school ?

There is no harm in applying. However, unless the child has a realistic chance of being offered a scholarship, preparing for the exam and waiting for the results may place unnecessary pressure on the student. Each child is different, so if parents consider that a negative outcome will not be detrimental to their child in any way, then there is no reason to not give it a try

ACER Exam timetable example

  • Written Expression 25 minutes
  • Humanities Comprehension & Interpretation 40 minutes
  • Mathematics 40 minutes
  • Mathematics & Science 40 minutes
  • Written Expression 25 minutes

Students who attend our College for Private School Scholarship Training are assisted in 3 ways:

  • Their academic skills in English, Maths and General Abilities are developed & re-inforced.
  • Examination techniques and time management are taught and real situation exams given so that when students face the real thing they know exactly what to do. These skills are not taught in most primary schools.
  • Students gain confidence because they know that their skills are sound. They are accustomed to hard work and competition which are both integral to the educational philosophy of Pre-Uni New College.

Private school scholarship training

Training for these placements begins in Year 5. Reading Comprehension in all forms is covered, and vocabulary and spelling exercises are given on a weekly basis. Emphasis is placed on reading books and writing book reviews. Students creative and essay writing skills are developed through an optional essay writing course. Mathematics lessons cover all areas and Thinking Skills are increased through weekly General Ability lessons. In February of Year 6, students begin exam preparation through a Trial Test Course. Students come in one extra evening each week and sit for one Maths and one General Ability exam, and after each exam, a tutor then goes through the exam questions with the students. Students who do not attain the targeted mark for that week, are asked to come back for a re-test free of charge. Examination techniques are taught, and students become familiar with exam situations. Tests are given under strict exam conditions and students experience the real thing well in advance. When the actual exam comes up, students are less worried because they know what to expect.

Trial test course

The skills taught are essential to your childs successful performance in the Private School Scholarship Examinations. You must send your child to one session each week, every week until the Private School Scholarship Exam (beginning of May). Students will be doing exams, which include questions from past papers and also anticipated questions for that years tests. Our students success depends on their attendance at these sessions. Students not only complete the tests, but difficult questions and incorrect answers are corrected and explained by the tutors.