Due to the recent circumstance of COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to move the Summer Intensive STTC (17 – 21 Jan, NSW Only) to the online course, having taken into account the fact that:
- As we have just 2 months left until the exam date, we must avoid any risk affecting their study and exam performance.
- NSW has now reached over 38,000 daily COVID-19 cases and the number is expected to grow until late January.
- Covid cases are falling most quickly among teenagers and young adults due to lower vaccination rates.
- Summer STTC requires students to spend more than 6 hours together every day. Even with a single confirmed case in any class/group, the rest of them become close contacts at a high risk of getting infected.
- If this happens, they will have to be self-isolated and get tested, wasting their valuable time and missing their trial test classes.
We understand the parents’ concerns who expect the paper-based trial test practice for the actual exam, but our students’ health and safety must be the top priority.
To support students’ paper-based trial test practice, we will offer extra two (2) sets of STTC test papers at no charge (Conditions apply – see below). Eligible parents will be able to collect these papers on 20 or 21-Jan at the head office. Students may use them for extra test practice at home under parental supervision. The test answers and review videos for these papers will be available from 22-Jan on Cyberschool.
Additional STTC test papers – Conditions of Use
To be eligible to receive these STTC test papers, students must enrol in the 2022 full 10 sessions of Summer Intensive STTC (17 – 21 Jan). Test marking and reports are not available for these test papers. Students and parents must arrange their test time and test marking by themselves at their place. Test answers and review videos will be available from 22nd January on Cyberschool and will expire on 5th February 2022.