As a Pre-Uni New College Student you may be eligible for discounts
for a wide range of products and services. Find out the student benefits on offer.

Students who have a sibling enrolled at Pre-Uni New College are eligible for the Sibling Discount
a. Students must be immediate siblings residing at the same address.
b. They must enroll together for the same term at the same branch.
c. Primary (K-6) students must enroll in a standard EM, EMG, WEMT, or 6+ course, while Secondary (7-12) students require two or more high school courses.
d. All students must pay full-term fees by the Early Bird Payment due date.
e. The first student to enroll (regardless of grade) will receive the Early Bird Payment discount.
f. Each additional qualifying student will receive the Early Bird Payment discount plus an additional $70 off their fees.
g. Students with a scholarship are not eligible for the sibling discount.
h. Sibling discounts will be revoked if any enrollment is cancelled after payment.
Pay early and get discount
a. A Full-Term Early Payment Discount may apply on full-term fees paid by due date.
b. The Full-Term Early Payment Discount cannot be applied to trial test courses, such as STTC, OCTTC, OCFC, NTTC, and other similar courses.
Take advantage of family sibling discount and apply today

Awarded to the students who most improved on term test
Years 2 to 5 WEMG/T students who demonstrated the continuous improvement int their term tests since the last three(3) consecutive.
Every Term
$50 Credit
Awarded to the students who were successful OC Placement Test
Students who have achieved the minimum band score (set by the college) in the recent OC placement tests.
Up to 50% scholarship discount from Year 5 Term 1 to Year 6 Term 1
for both WEMT and STTC course enrolment.
(Conditions apply)
Awarded to the students who perform best on our Scholarship Test
Years 2 to 5 students who have achieved the eligible score (set by the college) in Annual Scholarship Test. (paid test)
up to 50% discount regular term and holiday courses fee from Term 1 to Term 4.
Awarded to the students who were successeful Selective High School Placement Test
Students who have achieved the minimum band score (set by the college) in the recent Selective High Schools placement tests.
up to 50% Scholarship discount for Year 6-10 regular full-term standard courses enrolments. (Conditions apply)

Gold Award | Silver Award | Bronze Award | Artist Award |
50% Scholarship* | 35% Scholarship* | 25% Scholarship* | 20% Scholarship* |

*Discount offer cannot be used in conjuction with any existing scholarship, sibling, early bird, full-term payment and TTC+WEMT combined