Engage with a spectrum of literary works that span time and culture, enhancing interpretive skills and fostering an appreciation for the richness of language—a critical component for success in NAPLAN’s reading and comprehension segments.

Sharpen your narrative and persuasive writing skills through diverse and stimulating exercises. Our course encourages students to explore their creative boundaries and articulate their voices with precision and flair.

Our Year 9 curriculum encourages students to thrive as they learn to critically evaluate texts, participate in insightful discussions, and develop strong, persuasive arguments, deepening their understanding and communication skills.

Year 9 English Course Structure
Module 1: Reports / Exposition Essay I
Module 2: Language and Imagery / Narrative I
Module 3: Exposition Essay II / Effective Persuasion in Essay
Module 4: Narrative II / Letters to the Editor
Module 5: Drama I / Diary Entries & Journal Writing
Module 6: Drama II / Debates
Module 7: Poetry I / Speeches I
Module 8: Poetry II / Speeches II
Module 9: Exposition / Interviews
Module 10: Images / Persuasive Texts
Module 11: Reflective Writing / Writing in Practice
Module 12: Exam Style Revision / Composing Persuasive Essays
Module 1: Part I : Roald Dahl: Close Study of an Author I / Part II : Writing Techniques
Module 2: Part I : Roald Dahl: Close Study of an Author II / Part II : Themes & Symbolism
Module 3: Part I : Roald Dahl: Close Study of an Author III / Part II : Advanced Technique: Flashback
Module 4: Part I : Roald Dahl: Close Study of an Author IV / Part II : Composing Original Topics
Module 5: Part I : Advertising I / Part II : Practicing a Creative Response
Module 6: Part I : Advertising II / Part II : Poetry: Responding to William Blake’s Poetry
Module 7: Part I : Advertising III / Part II : Analysis of Poetry
Module 8: Part I : Advertising IV / Part II : Ballads: Structure & Dudley Randall’s Ballad of Birmingham
Module 9: Part I : Consumerism / Part II : Whole Text Analysis of Twelfth Night
Module 10: Part I : Prejudice / Part II : Excerpt Analysis of Twelfth Night
Module 11: Part I : Revision Test / Part II : Writing About Twelfth Night
Module 1: Part I : Prejudice I / Part II : Advertisements I
Module 2: Part I : Prejudice II / Part II : Advertisements II
Module 3: Part I : Prejudice III / Part II : Analysing a Magazine Cover
Module 4: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird I / Part II : Webpages
Module 5: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird II / Part II : Cartoons I
Module 6: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird III / Part II : Cartoons II
Module 7: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird IV / Part II : Picture Books
Module 8: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird V / Part II : Film I
Module 9: Part I : Novel Study: To Kill a Mockingbird VI / Part II : Film II
Module 10: Part I : Prejudice in Media / Part II : Review of Visual Texts
Module 11: Part I : Response to Texts / Part II : Response to an Image
Module 1: Part I : Narratives I / Part II : Discussion Essays I
Module 2: Part I : Narratives II / Part II : Discussion Essays II
Module 3: Part I : Non-Fiction I / Part II : Newspaper Texts I: Articles
Module 4: Part I : Non-Fiction II / Part II : Newspaper Texts II: Tabloids
Module 5: Part I : Drama I / Part II : Feature Articles I
Module 6: Part I : Drama II / Part II : Feature Articles II
Module 7: Part I : Poetry I / Part II : Biographies
Module 8: Part I : Poetry II / Part II : Factual & Exposition Essays
Module 9: Part I : Deconstruction / Part II : Critical Essays
Module 10: Part I : Composing / Part II : Review I
Module 11: Part I : Review: Short Story & News Article / Part II : Review II
English Course
Early Bird Special Offer: $608
(until 23rd Dec)
Session: Saturday (AM & PM)
English Course
Early Bird Special Offer: $556
(until 23rd Dec)
Session: Weekdays
EMS Package
Early Bird Special Offer: $1,510
(until 23rd Dec)
EM Package
Early Bird Special Offer: $1,100
(until 23rd Dec)
EMS Package
(THU + Science SAT)
Early Bird Special Offer: $1,510
(until 23rd Dec)
EM Package
Early Bird Special Offer: $1,006
(until 23rd Dec)
Early Bird Discount Offer: Prices are valid for FULL term advance payments by 23rd December 2024.
Sibling Discount or Scholarship Discount: Applicable only to the full-term fees of normal term standard courses and only if paid by 23rd December 2024.
Package Offer: Prices are valid for FULL term advance payments by 25th January 2025.
Additional 1.03% surcharge will apply to all credit card payments. Only VISA and MasterCard are accepted.
Online payment option is available on Cyberschool for all fees except sibling discounts.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cyberschool?
The online educational platform, Cyberschool (www.cyberschool.com.au), is tailored for Pre-Uni New College primary students enrolled in foundation courses. This resource serves as a means for students to obtain supplementary assistance with their homework and review their prior classroom materials. The lessons are delivered by experienced and skilled teachers who have collaborated to design engaging, activity-oriented sessions for your child’s enjoyment. Access to the Cyberschool website is entirely complimentary for students currently enrolled at Pre-Uni New College.
What is S.O.Q?
S.O.Q (Special Online Quiz) comprises a set of review questions strategically created to motivate our students to revisit fundamental principles covered in earlier modules. Cyberschool offers four online quizzes during weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the course. This is only available for students enrolled in a foundation course.
Will students see their teachers during online lessons?
Since teachers possess authority over their live online sessions, they will activate their cameras and be clearly visible to students throughout the virtual class. Additionally, teachers will have access to the screen-sharing feature, enabling students to observe content presented by the teacher during the sessions.
Since classes are online, is it possible to join other online classes outside a student’s scheduled class?
Due to a restricted capacity for each class, it is necessary for students to participate in their assigned session.
How do teachers ensure that kids are focused whilst learning?
Educators utilise various methods to captivate students and guarantee their focus during online video lessons. For instance, numerous video classes incorporate interactive learning exercises that prompt students to tackle questions in real time. Nevertheless, it’s vital to acknowledge that the Cyberschool video lessons are designed for self-directed learning. As a result, parental support and guidance are essential.
I’m not able to travel to the branch (or live outside NSW), is there an option of remote learning?
We provide remote or online alternatives based on the specific requirements of our students. Our regular foundation courses are conducted through live online sessions using platforms like Zoom, while our Cyber Course is accessible through our Cyberschool platform.
My child is enrolled in WEMT. What is the recommended online learning routine my child should follow?
Throughout the week, students are anticipated to finalise all the questions within the modules. If they feel the need for additional module clarification, they can utilise the Cyberschool video lessons to revisit module concepts and questions.