Critical Thinking Strategy for Thinking Skills Video Series
This comprehensive video series is designed to enhance your critical thinking abilities. It’s divided into several parts, each focusing on a different aspect of critical thinking.
Part 1: Introduction to Critical Thinking
Overview: This introductory video sets the foundation for the series, explaining the importance of critical thinking and its role in problem-solving and decision-making.
Critical Thinking Straregy For Thinking Skills
Part 1
Part 2: Advanced Strategies
2-1: Assessing the Impact of Additional Evidence
Description: Learn how to evaluate and incorporate new information into your existing knowledge base, and understand the impact of this evidence on your conclusions.
Critical Thinking Strategy For Thinking Skills
Part 2-1 Assessing the Impact of Additional Evidence
2-2: Detecting Reasoning Errors
Description: This part focuses on identifying common logical fallacies and reasoning errors, improving your ability to analyze arguments critically
Critical Thinking Strategy For Thinking Skills
Part 2-2 Detect Reasoning Errors
2-3: Drawing a Conclusion
Description: Discover techniques for reaching well-supported conclusions, emphasizing the importance of logical reasoning and evidence-based decision-making.
Critical Thinking Strategy For Thinking Skills
Part 2-3 Drawing a Conclusion
2-4: Identifying Assumptions
Description: Uncover the underlying assumptions in arguments and learn how to challenge and test these assumptions for a more robust analysis.
Critical Thinking Strategy For Thinking Skills Part 2-4 Identifying Assumptions
2-5: Matching Arguments
Description: Explore methods to match similar arguments, understand their structures, and apply this understanding to new problem-solving scenarios
Critical Thinking Strategy For Thinking Skills Part 2-5 Matching Arguments