It has greatly helped me, by improving my speed, accuracy and most importantly, my confidence. These three skills cannot be taught by books and I am very grateful to Pre-Uni New College and their services
Thank you for helping me prepare for the test. The trial tests were harder than the actual test, allowing me to succeed in Selective. All the courses here at Pre-Uni New College have helped me to succeed in academics.
You’ve helped me quite a lot (and most of my friends too). Not only have the trial test courses helped me build confidence in exam conditions, your WEMG courses have reinforced my basic knowledge in all fields. Thank you Pre-Uni New College.
For my time here and helping me all these terms with my writing, English, Maths and G.A. I have learnt a lot with different teachers but teacher’s encouragements and techniques helped just as much. The teachers and workbooks really assisted me in the selective test and I hope that everyone here enjoys their time!
Thank you Pre-Uni New College, you have helped me get into my first selective sched choice James Ruse. Keep to G.A the same in difficulty and keep to maths to same and make to English larder! Thank you for encouraging people to go to retests! It was very memorable going to the retest for the first sit weeks. Thank you.
Dear teachers of Pre-Uni New College. You have truly been a great help for me, I loved your dedication and all the effort you put into my selective goals, even when times were hard. Thank you again. I won’t forget what you have done for me.
For teaching me in multiple subjects and helping me make it to selective schools. You have done very well in assisting me to achieve and improve ma ability.
For the extraordinary help you’ve provided me with. The dedicated staff and the students in this learning environment all contribute to the success I’ve achieved. Pre-Uni New College is the best college out there right now and I am sure That it will be for many years to come!
Thank you Pre-Uni New College and all its teachers who dedicate so much of their time and effort into their students to help every one of us to excel. Thank you for enabling me and all your students to succeed in our academics and studies. It has been a wonderful experience learning here, and I am happy to say that my journey to success starts right here, Pre-Uni New College.
For helping me improve in the subjects I wasn’t good at, solidifying my strengths and creating a nufuring environment to help me strive forwards my academic goals. Thank you Pre-Uni New College.
For helping me achieve the results I want for selective. Without your support and help, I would never have achieved 261 in this year’s selective test, let alone 44/45 for reading. I also thank my teachers for helping and supporting me all the way.
It helped me get 249.91/300 in my selective. The staff is really helpful and the teachers have efficient teaching methods. And have all the equipment and utensils needed by their pupils.
It has taught me a lot more than my normal day school by itself. But in a fun way, so I wasn’t so bored and I got a lot more out of the work than I usually did.
They helped me make it to Baulkham hills and made me smarter by giving me plenty of homework. It was really fun at the Holiday courses because I made many friends.
It helped me progress in my studies and achieve my number one goal: Selective school. Also the teachers and staff were happy and helpful even when I was un co-operative.
There is no limit to the Knowledge that is shared to us. Pre-Uni New College has benefited me greatly and has led me to achieve and excellent result, not only to get into a good school but also to achieve the potential to learn.There is no limit to the Knowledge that is shared to us. Pre-Uni New College has benefited me greatly and has led me to achieve and excellent result, not only to get into a good school but also to achieve the potential to learn.
It helped me HEAPS in the opportunity class test and selective. It even helped me in normal school work. Pre-Uni New College expanded my knowledge in all subjects. Coming here was a great decision for my education.
It is awesome! It has wonderful teachers and provides a sturdy foundation for high school. So, Pre-Uni New College is EXCEPTIONAL in every possible way.
It is a caring and nurturing environment in which academic excellence is valued and students are fostered to excel in all aspects of their school lives. Therefore I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Pre-Uni New College and its dedicated teachers.
We are proud of our college, students and teachers are confident that our dedication to academic excellence will be the corner stone of your future success.
We specialise in delivering well-structured programmes to assist our students reach their full potential.
We’ve been able to consolidate our position as a first-rate coaching college in Australia by achieving impressive results in OC, selective high school placement and the HSC exam.
Our special e-learning website Cyberschool provides online video lessons to all our students enabling their entire class work revision.
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